Phycocyanin is blue in colour and is a collection of pigments which are some of the oldest on the planet. Spirulina, the blue green algae from which it comes from is known to be one of the oldest forms of life on the earth. It is estimated to be around 3 billion years old and could be even older than that.

These extremely ancient pigments come into existence at a time when the earth and the sun were young, and light on the planet was quite different than it is today. So, at this time chlorophyll the green pigment which we see in most plants currently, did not exist. This is simply because the type of light that is needed for chlorophyll was not being produced by the sun at that stage of its development. Adaptation to the environment or what some people call evolution creates chlorophyll in the algae when the earth starts to get brighter millions of years later. Therefore, you can now see why the algae is called Blue Green.

Phycocyanin in the literature has a mixed identity. Sometimes it is talked about in its extracted, completely isolated state. Meaning separated from the other pigments its connected to naturally and then highly purified to very specific requirements (Medical/Analytical Grade). It is then used for medical treatments, analysing conditions, scientific research, and product development

Other times it referred to as Phycobilisome which is a collection of pigments made up of Phycoerythrin, Phycoerythrocyanin, Phycocyanin and Allophycocyanin which form a light absorbing antenna which helps convert light into energy that is connected to the skin of the algae. Then in an extraction process these antennae are removed from the skin and then purified to various levels leaving only the pigments where no other parts of the skin is still attached (Nutraceutical Grade)  These are then used in high end supplements, nutraceuticals and for scientific research.

Phycocyanin has been the subject of over forty years of scientific research. It has been proven to reduce or eliminate unhealthy inflammation and regulate the body's inflammatory response so that it reacts in a more controlled and balanced way in its presence.  Phycocyanin helps your body efficiently produce energy and its antioxidant capabilities reduce or neutralise the cell damaging (cytotoxic) free radicals. These radicals are naturally produced as a biproduct or exhaust when generating energy. In the event that there is an imbalance of oxidants or free radicals to antioxidants (oxidative stress) in the body. Phycocyanin can help to bring balance or reduce the damage caused by these agents.  

The combination of efficient energy production and the reduction of cell damaging free radicals has the potential to reduce muscle fatigue and fatigue in general. This is most beneficial to athletes performing intense or prolonged training.

Phycocyanin has been shown to protect liver enzymes from oxidative damage. If these enzymes suffer damage, they cannot be used by the liver to break down amino acids properly which we need for building materials and energy production. An efficiently functioning liver helps us extract all we can out of our food or supplements and allows us to efficiently eliminate waste reducing toxicity in the body. This helps to keep us at our peak performance levels.

Just like the liver the kidneys are assisted by Phycocyanin by reducing oxidative damage by free radicals. It also helps to regulate various biological functions so the organ can run efficiently which puts less stress on the kidneys and the body.

At Star Fuelled a third-party laboratory tests the Spirulina’s purity before our unique non-destructive purification process makes sure only the pigments remain and are intact. This enhances its potency 7,000+ times more than if you ate the Super food Spirulina alone. Its liquid form allows for rapid absorption by the body. Making it beneficial to someone with even a severely damaged stomach or gut.

This sets in motion the potential for you to benefit from increased muscle endurance, lowering of inflammation, potentially more effective operation of liver and kidneys as well as assisted detoxification.

Phycocyanin has been the subject of over forty years of scientific research. It has been proven to reduce or eliminate unhealthy inflammation and regulate the body's inflammatory response so that it reacts in a more controlled and balanced way in its presence.  Phycocyanin helps your body efficiently produce energy and its antioxidant capabilities reduce or neutralise the cell damaging (cytotoxic) free radicals. These radicals are naturally produced as a biproduct or exhaust when generating energy. In the event that there is an imbalance of oxidants or free radicals to antioxidants (oxidative stress) in the body. Phycocyanin can help to bring balance or reduce the damage caused by these agents.  

The combination of efficient energy production and the reduction of cell damaging free radicals has the potential to reduce muscle fatigue and fatigue in general. This is most beneficial to athletes performing intense or prolonged training.